Bookworms read a lot of books in their lifetime. Heck, we add a lot of books to our TBR. With the number of books that we’ve read so far though, are we ever surprised (sometimes, yes).
It might be a little hard to catch a book nerd’s attention because nothing ever surprises them (it’s the oldest trick in the book, they say). Lupe and Sophia are here to chat about ways to catch our attention.
Plus we’re rebellious bookwyrms who don’t necessarily follow the rules of Top Ten Tuesday. Honestly, who cares about rules.
1. How to catch their attention at a bar (or anywhere): buy them a book
You know how some people try to get someone’s attention by catcalling or other weird ways (like buying them a drink)?
That’s not how you do it with a bookworm.
The proper way to do is to buy them a book. Lupe says bonus points if it’s Shatter Me and not Twilight.
2. Books are the way to a book nerd’s heart
They say “food is the way to someone’s heart,” but while food is a way to a book nerd’s heart, it’s not the only way. Give them books and food, and you’ll be well on your way.
3. Build a library for them
The beast offered Belle a library. If the beast can do it and win the girl, so can you.
4. Be emotionally supportive and sponsor us with Kleenex
Book nerds are emotionally connected with the characters they read and love (even if they hate the book) and every little thing hits them. Hurt the character? The book nerd is hurt. Kill the character? The book nerd will cry. They’ll need tissues. They’ll need hugs and a shoulder to cry on, and maybe some tissues to clean those tears up.
Maybe they need an ear as well. Be sure to bring invisible ear plugs if you don’t want to listen but want to pretend you’re listening.
5. Get them book merchandise
Get them posters, mugs, clothes, keychains, lanyards… but not just those. Find out their favorite quotes, their favorite characters and have it be represented in the items you get them.
Chances are they’ll use it forever, so they’ll have a piece of you in their lives forever (if that’s your goal).
6. Join them on bookish events
Some people like concerts (so loud), some people like parties. Book nerds like bookish events ranging from meeting their favorite authors to meeting fellow book nerds who will understand their pain and agony.
7. Don’t judge their costume habits on Halloween (or any day)
If we don’t judge you for dressing up as the Hulk, a duck, or a dragon on fire, don’t judge us for dressing up as the badass Rose Hathaway or Isabelle Lightwood.
Sometimes we need to feel badass to take on the world and a new day.
8. Buddy read with them
Bonus points if you’re a fellow book nerd who likes reading the same books as them because not only can we listen to music together, we can read together! And then we can squeal, cry, laugh, etc. together.
We don’t want to suffer alone, and you don’t either. Let’s suffer together.
9. Don’t drag them to a party (or anywhere)
Concerts are noisy, parties are noisy. Plus there are people. Swarms of people! We’d never get a chance to crack open a book without being distracted.
Unless it’s a book related party. Then feel free to drag them to it because there will be fellow book nerds and it won’t be as noisy aside from related feelings.
10. Throw books at them
Highly unadvised.
Let’s Talk: What catches your attention? Are you less surprised than your younger self?

BUILD A LIBRARY a-la Beauty and the Beast??? YES, PLEASE! I’m so in.
Also, so long as I can pick ’em, I’ll never say no to books as gifts. 😉
Happy Top Ten Tuesday!
I couldn’t agree more! I’d say even a gift card to bookstores would be a fantastic gift especially if they don’t know what specific book to gift. Happy Top Ten Tuesday to you too Rissi! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
I love this post! 🙂 All of these things would definitely capture my attention.
It took a while for Sophia and me to come up with this list! I’m glad you love it! Thanks for commenting Chrissi!
Still managed to procrastinate and start three other posts, though.
I call this an accomplishment. 😀
“Shatter Me and not Twilight” lol. I like that one- buy someone a book. That beats a drink, right? 🙂 And book merch is always nice. How dun would a book party be? It would be awfully quiet I bet, as everyone reads…
HA! I never liked Twilight and I never will. A book party would be lit though! We wouldn’t be JUST reading, we would be geeking out as we should be. Thanks for stopping by Greg!
Books always beats a drink. 😉
I’d imagine a book party will be somewhat quiet, but at one point or another, we’re going to break that silence and start geeking out over the book.
That’s when the REAL fun begins. 😀
YES. My boyfriend could’ve used this post when he was trying to win me over last year, haha. XD He should definitely give me books and a library like Belle’s though. For sure.
I mean… It’s never too late to send him this list! I still envy Belle for having that beautiful library of hers. Thanks for commenting Bee!
Yes, yes, yes, throw books at me. Every time my gf makes thoughtful gifts and turns up with I don’t know what, I’m always like: it’s been 6 years and you still don’t get I JUST WANT BOOKS! Also stop telling me “you do know it’s fiction, right?” when I’m sobbing in a corner!
GUUUURRRRLLL I COMPLETELY understand. My parents will never understand my love for books. Send her this list and I’m sure she will know what to get you as a gift for next time! Thanks for stopping by Olivia!
I’ve told her so many times, she still insists to surprise me with things that are not books (to be fair, she does usually put a lot of thought into the gifts!) I’ll send her this blog post now 😀
Oh yeah, book merch! And totally, only book parties allowed!!
Book merch and book parties are a MUST! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Love this post. And it’s all so true. Please someone give me a library. And it must have a sliding ladder.
A sliding ladder or a spiral staircase is something I DREAM of having for my future library! I always joke that the only reason I want a sliding ladder is so I can reenact that scene from Beauty and The Beast where Belle slides across the library singing at the top of my lungs. Thank you for stopping by!
I love your list! I think I need to share this with my husband (although he’s well aware that books, coffee, and chocolate are the way to my heart).
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!
There’s nothing wrong to add more to your list of ways to get to your heart Cholla! I’m glad you enjoyed the list and I’ll definitely check out your TTT post! Thanks for stopping by!
#4 and #9 are probably the ~easiest~ to do for others, but are the most heartwarming ways to show bookworm love! <3 I am an extremely emotional reader and appreciate any kind of support from friends, especially if they're non-bookworms. I also hate socializing (most of the time), and would prefer to sit with a good book in hand.
Buuuut I think #6 is what would hit me in the feels the most! My parents, best friend and cousin all tolerate my love for authors and would sit with me for HOURS to wait in line at book signings. <3
I’m glad your parents, best friend and cousin all tolerate your love for authors! I live in STL and there are not much book events around here which completely sucks! I talk a lot (Sophia can confirm) and I do pretty well in social environments, but I will always prefer to stay in and read a good book. Thanks for stopping by Aimee!
I can testify! If we have book events they’re far away from where we’re at or they’re not even books that we care about. 🙁
My attention would definitely be attracted by a library a la Beauty and The Beast!
Belle is truly lucky with that beautiful library the Beast gave her. Who wouldn’t want a spectacular ‘library a la Beauty and The Beast”? Thanks for commenting Jo!
I love buddy reads. Sadly none of my friends close to me want to do that. But I have met some lovely people through book blogging that I have buddy read with and it’s really good.
Awww I say that those who are not readers, have not read their favourite book yet. I’m fortunate enough to have an actual friend to bug about books with in real life who also happens to be my co-blogger! It’s Sophia in case you were wondering! Thanks for stopping by Amanda!
Bookish friends are a two-way street, Lupe. I bug you, you bug me, we bug each other until the end. *cues evil laughter*
lol yes, please no book throwing. Teehee. But yes, join us at book events and watch us geek out HARD.
Book throwing is honestly the biggest way to anger a book nerd. I have never gone to a book event! My dream is to go to one and get to geek out with other fellow nerds!
I was thrilled when my husband started reading. Now he listens mostly to audiobooks but they’re always my recommendations and there hasn’t been any that he’s disliked so far. The quickest way to catch my attention is to simply talk about books. I’m lucky to be able to share my love of reading with my husband and browse bookshops. Rare to find in the wild <3
This is AWESOME! I’m very happy that you and your husband share the love of books! Thank you for stopping by Kelly!
This is goals, Kelly. GOALS.
Hah! Love it. I’m totally down for people buying me books to get my attention…or any other bookish merchandise that I would love. 🙂
Yes! There’s no better feeling than getting new books or new bookish merchandise! Thanks for commenting Lauren! 🙂
This made me chuckle. I don’t advise doing ten, I’ll get mad. As for getting my attention I don’t know, even when you have it I’m likely to zone out and daydream. It’s a talent I have haha
Throwing books is certainly a NO! I also tend to zone out and daydream ESPECIALLY when I’m in class very early in the morning. Thanks for stopping by Chloe!
Love your twist this week for TTT!!
Here’s a link to my TTT post for this week:
Thank you so much, Lisa! I’ll definitely stop by and read your TTT post!
I SWEAR I spend most of my money on Amazon! No wonder I’m always broke. Thanks for commenting Katherine!
Ah omg yes to Shatter Me and Izzy and basically every point mentioned.
Anypne can catch my attention with ‘Shadowhunters’ or ‘Malec’ xD
PS: I just realised there are 3 of you on this blog and wow hats off because that might be rather difficult but also fun? Good for your trio!
Shadowhunters or Malec are also great ways to catch my attention Charvi! Yes, there are 3 of us and it’s fun! Communication is definitely key! Thank you for stopping by and commenting!
I mean, definitely not difficult, haha. I don’t know where I’ll be without Lupe and Anelise dealing with my shenanigans. <3 (How did I survive two years on my own???)
Yesssss!!! Someone please build me a library….. Or just any bookish related attention is cool with me. Maybe just sit next to me while I read for hours! Awesome post, so true!
I remember when I was younger our teacher gave us reading time in class and everyone read! I would grab a spot and read next to a good friend and it certainly felt like heaven! Thank you for your comment, Lara!
😮 I remember those times – they were great!
Gah, I miss having reading time. I finished more books back then I do now. 🙁
Very good tips 🙂 I think the last one might actually work with me as well when you make it a paperback and not a hardcover collected works of Jane Austen 😀
I get pretty sad when paperbacks get damaged from dropping it, but I agree. Hardcovers will definitely hurt much more than paperbacks if they were thrown at me. Thanks for stopping by Bella!
Hahaha I love your list this week! I agree with pretty much everything you said.
Thanks, Jazz! 🙂
Oh yes. I’m not keen on parties, pubs or anywhere filled with noisy people. That doesn’t mean I’m not sociable. I love chatting in tea shops or browsing bookshops with my friends. 🙂
Oh, man browsing bookshops with friends sounds phenomenal! I’m honestly going to plan to browse some bookshops around here with Sophia when both of our schedules clean up! Thanks for stopping by Louise!
I love this!! 🙂
Thanks, Erica!!!