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All content created on Bookwyrming Thoughts is owned by their respective authors. Select content on the blog (such as book covers) is owned by their respective owners. If you would like to quote or use any content created on this blog, we ask that you provide proper credit to the original article and author, and mention us.
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Trigger/content warnings are included in book reviews to the best of my ability or from resources such as the Book Trigger Warnings database or the publisher/author. They are for informational purposes only and deals with the content only.
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Bookwyrming Thoughts is a PR-friendly blog; we sometimes work with authors, publishers, and PR professionals/companies in collaboration posts. This is usually in gifted products such as review copies (finished and Advanced Reading Copies/ARCs), or occasionally in monetary compensation. Sponsored posts for compensation will have a clear label and disclaimer at the start of the post.
We don’t accept collaborations or review copies without personally feeling we’ll enjoy the products or use the service ourselves, so our thoughts and opinions will be honest.