I wasn’t feeling terribly creative with the post name this time, so… here we are.
Part of me deep inside kind of wanted to just skip October’s wrap-up and nap because I kind of forgot until last night despite having this partially drafted in my notes. But anyways.
Hi, friends! 👋 It’s November. Don’t forget your clocks if you’re unfortunate enough to have to change them. (Sleep is nice and all but I never liked the time change.)
This Month’s Posts
- [3 Oct] Bookwyrm Breakdown: Hello October, Here Comes Spoopy Season
- [8 Oct] Idol Gossip by Alexandra Leigh Young ★★★★
- [12 Oct] Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao ★★★½
- [15 Oct] Shadow and Bone Season 1 (2021)
- [19 Oct] The Keeper of Night by Kylie Lee Baker ★★★½
- [29 Oct] The Iron Will of Genie Lo by F.C. Yee ★★★½
Books Hoarded

Chain of Iron by Cassandra Clare – you’d think I’d read Chain of Gold at the very least but nope. That one is still sitting somewhere in a box. I guess this one can join.
- Though if there’s ever a moment I need to murder someone with two books, they’ll come in handy.
Books Devoured

2021 Reading Summed Up: No thoughts, just books. And even though I haven’t touched a single old ARC, I did go through all of my October ARCs and started on November so I’m calling that a minor win.
- The rest of the Simonverse series by Becky Albertalli – so maybe I wasn’t preparing myself for Jade Legacy, which I know is going to hurt more than being rejected.
- Ghosting by Tash Skilton – think enemies to lovers in real life without actually being aware they’re also messaging each other as ghostwriters while matchmaking.
- My Contrary Mary by Jodi Meadows, Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand – I may or may not have picked this one up after My Lady Jane for the sole purpose of cameos from Jane and G.
- Jade War by Fonda Lee (reread in audiobook) – I thought I would be okay with the reread but no it’s just pain.
- Jade Legacy by Fonda Lee (ARC) – So I finished this late and stayed up late for Jayati to finish and now we’re just sitting in a corner.
Fandom Assemble
Media we’ve consumed and enjoyed, or what we’re looking forward to that’s been announced lately.

Kitty from To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is getting her own show titled XO, Kitty! She’s one of my favorite characters from the trilogy, so while I’m generally wary with spin-off series, I’m kind of looking forward to this one. (Kind of being, “I’m still wary anyway.”)
I was a little late on the Squid Game train because I’m a procrastinator even with TV shows, but I binged this in a few days and I have So. Many. Thoughts. There’s so much to unpack from this show and I love it. Honestly, if I were still in school, I’d probably be tempted to write an entire essay on this show. Except I’m not in school, I only kind of miss school, and maybe 0.05% of me actually enjoyed writing essays.

A lot of my favorite artists (or ones heading there) released new music throughout October, so my work playlist heading into the holiday season will be ready to keep me company. 😌 (I’m usually listening to audiobooks but things get busy and I’m better off not.)
Albums, Mini Albums, EPs
- History of Kingdom Part III: Ivan by Kingdom – History of KingdomPart II: Chiwoo was okay and the title track grew on me, but it’s not one that’s on my playlist constantly like much of History of Kingdom Part I: Arthur. I enjoyed this one a lot overall, but like their last album, it’s not one I’ll keep coming back to if even. I do like the experimentation, though, and maybe I’ve mentioned this a lot, but I love their concept.
- Not gonna lie, I love the instrumental for Black Crown and went in to listen to Karma’s instrumental as well.I’m just not really a fan with lyrics included for both songs.
- I also really like the music video for Black Crown??? Kingdom didn’t come into the K-pop scene to play.
- I think my favorites may be Fallen Star and Burn with the others slowly growing on me.
- Fairy Forest: Temptation by PIXY – I’m “Addicted” to their title song and that’s all I have to say. I’ll exit now. 🚪🏃♀️
- Also their lore is cool and if you like Dreamcatcher, you should definitely check PIXY out.
- Savage by aespa – I honestly don’t know how I feel but this reminded me of NCT 127’s recent album Sticker A LOT. Only I personally feel this one’s better (even though I like Lemonade from NCT 127).
Singles, Single Albums, and Select Songs from Albums
- Icons by Hot Issue
- Dark Dream by E’LAST
- Vivace by Lightsum
- Waiting by Woodz
- Burn It All Down ft. PVRIS – I’ve always been a fan of League of Legends Worlds songs and 2021 is no exception.
- Cold Love by Rothy
- The Feels by Twice – Am I becoming a Twice fan finally after millions of years? Is it really happening? 😱
The Breakdown
What catastrophes have the universe handed us throughout the month? Let’s find out. 🧐
October feels so weird for me looking back because one part of me is like, “so October happened and we’re in November now” but another part of me is like, “we’re in November?” And yet a third part of me is like “blergh.”
Then there’s a fourth part that’s like, “I always hated Christmas movies because they’re cheesy in all the romance and very white but I really want cheesy and cringe (maybe a little awkward) right now.” Who knows what other parts there are.
One thing is certain though: Existential Crisis has entered the chat big time. Last month was a lot of the usual with the desire to sleep more than normal with things picking up at work for the holiday season. Outside of that, I finally caved, yeeted my portfolio (again), and basically decided it’s much easier to lump it into the blog than handling two different sites.
Let’s talk: How was your October?

Sophia started blogging in February 2012 for the hell of it and is surprisingly still around. She has a GIF for nearly everything, probably listens to too much K-Pop and is generally in an existential crisis of sorts (she's trying her best). More of her bookish reviews and K-Pop Roundups can be found at The Arts STL.
If you enjoy her posts or found them helpful, consider tipping on KoFi!
I’ve binged Squid Game in 1 day too.
I didn’t even write an october wrap up, cuz I read exactly 0 books …
Have a great November!
The time change is so unnecessary in this day and age. When will the insanity stop! *steps off soapbox*
I have always wanted Han to write a Kitty spin-off, so the new of her getting a show was so exciting. I hope they do her justice with the series. I always dreamed the books would age her up while also letting me get real closure when it came to LJ and Peter.
“Part of me deep inside kind of wanted to just skip October’s wrap-up and nap”
This napping thing of yours is getting out of control 😂.
Sorry, I’m sure you legit need the naps because work is stressing you out…or life is…
Not only October – this whole year happened in a blur for me too.
“Though if there’s ever a moment I need to murder someone with two books, they’ll come in handy.”
I felt this post to my soul. A mood. I am on episode 2 of Squid game and the angst and shock has me procrastinating to finish it hahahaha, that first episode was WILD.