I mean, it’s kind of late and everyone who’s visited since September 16 or saw my rare Tweet and clicked on it already saw it, but that’s not going to stop me from shamelessly announcing it on the monthly wrap up too. After 5+ years of having a similar look, I kind of figured it was time for a change, especially since next year is a full decade (!!!) since this blog started. And well… it’s been a lot of on and off on branding so might as well just go with a complete overhaul. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyways, buckle up friends, we’ve got a (maybe) long breakdown this time because makeover is definitely an excuse to skip blogging (except now I just don’t feel like blogging period).
August Posts
(Because in September I forgot blogging existed after everything went live, even though I planned on posting. Oops.)
Books Hoarded

I was a good child and didn’t spend any money on books (unless it was on sale or free) since there’s going to be a special edition set for The Green Bone Saga that I’m definitely eyeballing in October.
- Go the Distance by Jen Calonita
- Love, Comment, Subscribe by Cathy Yardley (First Reads)
- Jade Legacy by Fonda Lee (ARC)
- Our Violent Ends by Chloe Gong (ARC)
- The Fairyloot edition of The Iron Raven by Julie Kagawa! It’s just as pretty as the rest of my set, and I’m in awe
even though my mom is judging hardcore and probably side-eyeing me big time.
I think Fonda Lee and Chloe Gong are going to end me, but at least I’ll know I’m in for a (hopefully) good reading month in October/November when it comes to two books.
Books Devoured

I still don’t know how I’m reading so many a month this far into the year, but here we are. In August I read approximately 20 books and September was very unintentional almost 30 books in 30 days. I think I’m actually going to hit 200 books this year, which 1) I’ve never done (it’s always been 50-130) and 2) what the actual fuck.
You’d also think the amount of reading I’ve done is enough to clear out my ARCs, but I’m truly the biggest of clowns. (But I’m kind of keeping up with the recent ones, so there’s definitely that. Have I posted them, though? No, and I don’t know if that makes me a bigger clown than I already am.)
But here are a few books I’ve read in the past few months:
- Love, Comment, Subscribe by Cathy Yardley
- Idol Gossip by Alexandra Leigh Young (ARC)
- The Gilded Wolves trilogy by Roshani Chokshi
- The Iron Will of Genie Lo by F.C. Yee
- It Ends in Fire by Andrew Shvarts
- How We Fall Apart by Katie Zhao
Fandom Assemble
Media we’ve consumed and enjoyed, or what we’re looking forward to that’s been announced lately.

August and September had Netflix, Hulu and I being besties a little more than usual (probably thanks to using PTO that’s expiring). A few movies and TV shows I watched:
- The Addams Family
- Over the Moon
- To All the Boys Parts 2 and 3 – good, but definitely not as good as the first
- The Social Network
- The Bridge Curse – turns out I’m a Baby™ and I don’t do horror movies
- Green Lantern
- Wish Dragon
- Light as a Feather Season 1
In other news, VAMPIRE ACADEMY ANNOUNCED A CAST. I’m not sure how I feel about the cast considering I liked the movie cast much better, but I guess I’ll judge when the show comes out?
And finally, a few music albums and songs that came out in the past two months that have been of interest/good listens:
- Nightmares – The Boyz (personally I’m indifferent to the title song of the album, Thrill Ride, but there are a few b-sides I really enjoyed)
- Moon Walker – BDC
- Close Your Eyes – BZ-Boys
- Hate That – Key ft. Taeyeon
- Not Friends – Loona (sung by Heejin, Kim Lip, Jinsoul and Yves)
- Dive Into You – Seori ft. eaJ
- Human (Deluxe) album – OneRepublic (favorites include Rescue Me and Someday)
- Stereotype – StayC
- Not Easy album – Stray Kids (surprisingly I liked most of this album? A few favorites include Domino and Red Lights)
Also aespa, PIXY and Kingdom are having comebacks sometime in October so Clo might want to note I’m going to be in her DMs (except I’m already in there regularly). She’s yet to get tired of me.
The Breakdown
What catastrophes have the universe handed us throughout the month? Let’s find out. 🧐
There’s really not much life-wise outside of the usual work, sleep, read, repeat and taking a mini break from working.
- I turned 24! I think I’ve begun the prequel to my quarter life crisis, but it’s starting to feel like Season 24 of Existential Crisis instead.
- Finalizing the new blog look and launched it (except the hard work now begins with replacing images).
- Playing a new game I recently got on Steam (maybe why I abandoned some review writing, oops).
Let’s talk, bookwyrms: how was your August and September?

Sophia started blogging in February 2012 for the hell of it and is surprisingly still around. She has a GIF for nearly everything, probably listens to too much K-Pop and is generally in an existential crisis of sorts (she's trying her best). More of her bookish reviews and K-Pop Roundups can be found at The Arts STL.
If you enjoy her posts or found them helpful, consider tipping on KoFi!
“You’d also think the amount of reading I’ve done is enough to clear out my ARCs, but i’m truly the biggest of clowns. (But I’m kind of keeping up with the recent ones, so there’s definitely that. Have I posted them, though? No, and I don’t know if that makes me a bigger clown than I already am.)”
“I turned 24! I think I’ve begun the prequel to my quarter life crisis, but it’s starting to feel like Season 24 of Existential Crisis instead.”
Ok…so they’re only working after posting, not in the preview (all in the wrong places though…LOL).
I’M SORRY 😭 (Also yes it’s definitely way way late but the moment I saw your comment I was like oh no I broke something and Roberta definitely call it. You’re a blessing, haha.)
*plays circus music* you’re leading the circus sksksk but yay for reading and mostly keeping the current arcs at bay by getting through them. My dms are just you throwing things at me and then me eventually giving in sksk but I love you anyway and aaaaah your blogs new look is amazing! I love it, it looks so pretty <3
Thank youuuuuuuu but also thank you for being my desktop guinea pig for looking over things before launch. 🥺
(At this rate, I think I’m the circus itself.)
Love the look of the blog, and congrats on almost 10 years of blogging! That’s awesome.
I’ve been doing okay with my reading, but it’s definitely not as much as I’ve done in the past. I’ve just been less inclined to read some days, but it happens.
Congrats for the decade of blogging 👏🏼👏🏼 And happy late birthday, my dear xx
Yep- i’ve been pretty much on the same train 😂 gaming over anything else, and blogging ideas taken a side (though all my post this week has been scheduled- so far so good)
SOPH THE BLOG LOOKS SO PRETTY!!! I swear every time I waddle on I just want to sit and pet it. 😂😂 I almost choked when you said you read 30 books in September–THE WAY I ASPIRE TO BE YOU!!! I would agree with you on To all the boys 2+3 being good, but the first one is literally the only one I will ever re-watch if I had too.
It sounds like you had a great couple of months! Much proud of you!
happy 24th birthday! I celebrated my 27th in August but I’m not that happy about getting older haha.
I still have to read The Bronzed Beasts by RoshanI Chokshi but I also got an ARC of Jade Legacy…. So maybe we can do a buddy read 👀👀
👀👀👀 I would’ve taken you up on that offer other than the fact this is months later and I’m definitely done reading the book. 😭 Maybe another book in the future or a reread? (One day though!)