Hi, it’s halfway through March, which means it’s probably exam season already or coming soon to all of us scholarly bookwyrms. Or if we’re not dealing with exams, we have projects and assignments for the classes we take or work or just life in general.
With all the things we have to juggle, how do we continue blogging? Lisa from Lili Star Reads will be taking over the post in a few to talk about the 5 ways she uses to continue blogging in a busy world.
What is Novel Newcomers?
Novel Newcomers is a feature based off features spotlighting debut authors, only with book bloggers! It all began in 2016 with Nori from ReadWriteLove28, started in 2017 but the feature took a back burner later that year and remained so in 2018.
This year, however, Novel Newcomers is back! Clo from Cuppa Clo and I will be featuring book bloggers who started in 2017 OR 2018 all throughout the year, so brace yourselves and let’s get started! 😁
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5 Ways for Blogging in a Busy World
Work, hobbies, family and friends – life just seems to get busy as we get older and leaves us with less time for what’s important. I, of course, am talking about books and blogging (family and friends are cool too!). So many times we plan to do some work on a post we are excited about only to be waylaid by jobs that we apparently need to do to pay our bills.
The last month or so I have had so little free time that I’m trying new ways to fit blogging into a busy life:
1. Blog hopping on transport to work
One of the things I have missed most is seeing other bloggers content. It’s my favourite part of blogging, seeing the amazing content people create. I have learned that I can read 4 blog posts on the way to work and it gets me more motivated to create content for my blog. It also gives me the opportunity to share the love!
2. Carry a notebook
I do all my blog posts on my laptop which I can’t carry everywhere; a notebook is much handier. Anytime I have an idea for a blog post or something interesting about a book I’m reading, I write that shis down! The hope is that I remember what I was on about and can write the post when I have a free hour at home.
3. Less social media
I see you there, saying you are busy but spending all the time on book Twitter. I myself am hella guilty of this. Instead of doing anything useful, I find myself in my spare time just scrolling Twitter. If I thought of all the books I could have read instead of being on social media I think I’d cry!
4. Look at old posts
When you don’t have as much time for blogging you can feel less passionate about it. Looking back at your old posts can give you the motivation to spend some of your rare spare time creating a post you will love. I did this lately and fell in love with blogging again.
5. Don’t judge yourself
If you post 3 times a week you’re a book blogger. If you post once a week you are a book blogger. Even if you can only post once or twice a month you are a book blogger. We always judge ourselves too harshly; we get inside our own heads and forget who we are. No matter what, you are part of the book blogger community.
RELATED: We’re All Successful Book Bloggers
Do you have any tips for blogging in a busy world?

Lisa @ Lili Star Reads
Lisa is the blogger behind Lili Star Reads.
I love these advices! I don’t carry a notebook but I take notes on my phone! It’s easy to “share” the note via mail and send them to me. I will then make a copy/paste on WordPress and fine tune it.
Great advice. It’s easy to put rules on blogging and lose your enjoyment in it – there are no set rules and you can change the rules whenever you want!
Blogging forced me to cut back on social medial. I focus mostly on GR and twitter now, because I will not let socializing take away from my blog hopping or reading time.
Love this feature and there’s some really great tips there for when life gets busy. I’m guilty of letting everything else take over from my book blogging life however I think it’s also important to remember that this too is okay! The blogosphere will still be there when you can get back to it. 🙂
I’ll definitely try to blog hop a little more in my spare time. I am hoping to get caught up a bit and then use Feedly to try and keep me more organised and motivated… Who knows? It might just work!
These are all valuable points. We all need to go easy on ourselves. Great post!