Hello and welcome to today’s post! Today I have a review as well as two giveaways to show everyone!

Published by HarperTeen on February 27th 2018
Age Group & Genres: Contemporary, Young Adult
Format: ARC, eBook
Source: Publisher
A contemporary “clean teen” coming-of-age story about a small-town girl who opens her eyes to life’s endless possibilities
When Penny wins a scholarship to a prestigious theater camp, she thinks it’s the start of a perfect summer. But when she arrives at camp, Penny is thrust into a world of competition and self-doubt. And as she meets new friends, including Chase, a talented young actor with big-city dreams, she begins to realize that her own dreams may be bigger than she ever imagined.
A copy of the book was provided for review purposes - thank you! Receiving a copy does not guarantee a positive review and therefore does not affect the opinion or content of the review.
This Tiny Perfect World is a light, fluffy novel about a girl who goes to a summer theatre camp and learns that her future isn’t what she thought it would be.
It took me a couple of chapters to really get into the novel, but once I got into it, I really enjoyed it. I loved the family dynamics between Penny and her father. We got to see how their relationship evolved as time went by and we learned more about each character.
The thing I loved the most about this book is it’s about self-discovery. Penny feels as if her future is already decided for her: go to community college after graduating high school, take over her father’s cafe, and probably get married to Logan. As she goes to the theatre camp and becomes friends with some of the other teenagers, she starts to question her future. That’s perfectly normal as most teenagers don’t know what they’re going to do when they grow up or their future ends up being something totally different than what they imagined. I just really liked that this story showed that. It showed the indecision and how she comes to terms with it.
I also liked how Logan and Chase represent different aspects/parts of her life. Logan represents the part that feels obligated to stay and take over the cafe, and Chase represents her love for acting and the unknown future in front of her.
Overall, I enjoyed this story and loved how theatre is a part of it as one of my friends loves theatre. I also really liked the conclusion and how everything played out.

About the Author

Lauren Gibaldi is a public librarian who’s been, among other things, a magazine editor, high school English teacher, bookseller, and circus aerialist (seriously). She has a BA in Literature and Master’s in Library and Information Studies. She lives in Orlando, Florida, with her husband and daughter. Her books include The Night We Said Yes, Autofocus, and the forthcoming This Tiny Perfect World.
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Anelise is a complete weirdo who loves to read. Aside from reading, she loves to listen to and play music. One of her favorite quotes is “I’m young but I’m not stupid.” She is a former co-blogger of Bookwyrming Thoughts.
This cover is really lovely. It sounds like the author does a good job of allowing her MC to breath. Though I’m not a big fan of love triangles in general, this one sounds like it had a very clear purpose other than added drama, so I respect that. Great review.
Oooh! I love that cover!
I have never acted myself, but I have been in several orchestra pit ensembles. I have seen Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Blood Brothers, Oklahoma, and more performances.
Hello! You have won the swag pack giveaway! Please email me at anelise (at) bookwyrmingthoughts (dot) com with your shipping information and the author will send it out as soon as she can!
I’ve seen this around but I’ve never really known what it’s about, it sounds quite adorable! The theatre camp sounds really good. Lovely review!
Sometimes I like a light book like this, and I was a theatre major in college, so I’m guessing I’d really enjoy this!
Hmm, while I don’t normally go for YA contemporary romance I had been curious about this book because the cover is just so eye catching! It sounds sweet though, and like something I wish I had read when I was younger. I’ll definitely be recommending this to some theater friends though, thank you for the insightful review!