Yes… yes, I went there. I definitely went there. You’ve got to admit this is an accurate portrayal of the seasons currently in some parts of the US.

But it’s Thanksgiving Break! Too bad I have projects to finish.
Meanwhile, since the last time I posted a Weekly Wrap-Up, Bookwyrming Thoughts is SIX! I’m still a little mind blown because 15-year-old definitely did not expect to last long in the blogging world. We’ve evolved like a Pokemon. 😱
This Week’s Posts
- [13 Nov] Is the Shadowhunters TV Show Better Than the Movie? | Sophia Begins Shadowhunters
- [15 Nov] Dark Arts and a Daiquiri by Annette Marie ★★★★½
Book Haul
Red Winter by Annette Marie – I started reading her novels for the Three Mages and a Margarita blog tour and have enjoyed both books in The Guild Codex: Spellbound series, so I’m trekking my way through her other books now as well! Plus, this is on Prime and I might as well put that Prime Student to use in other ways, am I right???
Reading Life
A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro – This one is also from Prime! I started this a few weeks ago, but then put it on a back burner because I wanted to read Dark Arts and a Daiquiri.
Real Life
It’s that time of year again when the projects start slamming in. I’m definitely not excited. Not excited at all (mainly because I’ve procrastinated a little). But I’m a little excited because there’s a Kindle Unlimited Deal going on for $.99 right now… and it’s for THREE MONTHS. I’ve been curious about this subscription system for a while, so I figured why not try it out for a nice deal? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

ALSO, I AM A PUBLISHED AUTHOR ON PROJECT CANVAS. Look at this pretty on Amazon. 😍 I am like 99.9% sure my piece has been laughing at me for the past two years like Roman Torchwick from RWBY.
I have disappeared for the past month, but I’m back! Thank you, Sophia, for understanding and for visiting me at the hospital! Allow me to explain how I almost died. (FYI I exaggerate all the time).
By the way, I will try to explain this as short as possible.
My right middle finger was infected. I was hospitalized twice because of my finger and the first IV antibiotic that I was given made me throw up. I almost died because I was stubborn to go to the hospital right away. Even if I had a fever of 103 and really bad drug rash from the oral antibiotics. I had surgery done to remove the dead skin the infection killed. The infection did touch my bone a little.
I have MRSA. It is a staph infection that is resistant to antibiotics. That is why I have a PICC line in my left arm. In October, I have not gone to school for three weeks. I did not lose my right middle finger. I never had any issues with my health before. I usually avoid doctors like the plague. This experience made me appreciate nurses, doctors, and surgeons.
Let’s chat, bookwyrms! How was your week? Anything exciting? Not exciting? Are you on break, too?

Yay for Thanksgiving! And yes I feel like a wrecking ball is appropriate! We got snow here although I know a lot of people got it worse!
Congrats on turning six!!!! Wow! And I’ve heard really good things about that new Annette Marie series.
Lupe, glad you’re okay but that definitely sounds like you went through the ringer! Hope you are feeling better and healing quickly. Take care!
Winter hit us on the Gulf Coast this week too, Sophia. It actually got down to freezing. Way too early for anything like that here.
I’m glad you didn’t lose your finger, Lupe. That infection isn’t pleasant. My brother fought the same thing for months.
I hope you both have a lovely Sunday:)
You’re a published author whaaaaat? :O congrats! And also six years, that’s loads!
OMG Sophia it was a close call!!!!! Being stubborn was not a quality here. I am so happy it ended well.
I am glad you survived Lupe. And I know how you feel because I am exactly the same. A bruise? ice it. A cut? Ice it. Fever? Curl up in bed and die. But I would never go to the doctor unless I am dragged literally by someone else. But I am glad you made it. And Congrats on your book, Sophia.
OMG, Lupe! I’m glad you’re on the mend. I don’t particularly like going to the doctor, either, but sometimes you have to! Learned that the hard way when I ended up in the ER in August.
Sophia – we definitely got a winter punch this week! We got way more snow than we anticipated getting.
Congrats Sophi on being a published author! and Lupe, gosh, I’m sorry to hear you’ve been having such a rough time. I hope you’ll recover soon and get as good as new!
Oh, wow! First off, I’m glad that Lupe is okay. That must have been a very scary experience!
I really love Annette Marie’s books, so I hope you enjoy them too. And congrats for getting published in Project Canvas!!
Thanks for sharing your week, and enjoy the upcoming one. Congrats on six years of blogging. Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES
Lupe – I am glad you are alive, but that was a very serious issue you were dealing with. ((HUGS)) and happy healing.
Congratulations on SIX years!!! It is pretty amazing to still be sticking with something about that many years. Here’s to many more!
Yes it rained here all week until Friday and was 40F/ 5C! Finally the rain stopped and we are back to 55-60, more like autumn. I’m looking forward to a slower paced week over Thanksgiving.
I also plan to do the $0.99 trial of KU for the next 3 months. The last time I did a trial I did not read a single thing. Not one. I hope to do better.
Have a great week reading! Anne – Books of My Heart
Oh, no, I do hope you get to make the most of it this time around!
Haha, I love the title of your post. The snowstorm did cause a bit of chaos in some places.
Lupe, I’m glad you’re okay! That sounds like a scary experience. Have a good week!
Thanks! I couldn’t help myself with the title this week, haha.
Wow, so much news. Congrats on the 6 year anniversary! And best wishes for a complete recovery. MRSA is really scary!
Oh gosh, Lupe, I’m glad you’re doing okay! That must have been scary.
And I’m kind of curious about Kindle Unlimited…I don’t know that I’d keep it past three months though, just because, money.
True. I’m trying it out in the hopes that I do read a lot to make sure it is well worth the cost that I will potentially be spending on after the deal is over.
Wait you got published, that is so cool!
Lupe, I am so glad you are on the mend! That is so scary!
YES. YES I DID. Self-Published, but I’M STILL PUBLISHED. 😮
Don’t mind me freaking out here just a little. (Also I didn’t exactly shove it at everyone, haha.)
Self-published is still published, stop with that!
How are you liking A Study in Charlotte? I read it a few years ago and had trouble getting through it.
Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
I had a little trouble getting through it – it reminded me too much of the BBC version of Sherlock without actually being the same.
Congratulations Sophia on becoming a published author 🙂 Six years, wow, wishing you many more.
Lupe glad you’re feeling better and you have to be careful with those infections. Sorry this happened to you.
Sofia, congratulations on six years of blogging, and on getting published! And good luck with all the projects.
Lupe, I’m sorry you’re going through all that. MRSA is nasty stuff. I’m glad you didn’t lose the finger…or your life. I hope they can get it completely knocked out soon.